To have kids? Not a prob!
Most importantly, I am leading a happy simple life with my husband, whom has been so caring and loving (although the future is not guaranteed at least I am showered with love and leading life happily for the time being, SEIZE THE MOMENT).
But one thing is I feel a little guilty towards my parents-in-law because they must have been longing to be grandparents whom they have been very very nice to me. They never give me pressure to have children soon, especially my father in law is extremely understanding. He cares for my health more than to rush me to have kids.I regard them as my 2nd parents and I am so thankful and blessed for God has given me very understanding parents-in-law.
As for my mom, she is always the best ever, as long as we are happy, she is fine with whatever decision we make. I always seek advice from her whenever I face problems. I really learn a lot from her.
Nowadays, I get happy many times compare to last time when I hadn't realize my LIFE. For example, I just felt happy this afternoon having lunch with my husband, a simple lunch in a quiet windy afternoon. So simple yet indescribable feeling.
Have you ever felt so happy that you feel you're floating? How frequent?