Doing Yoga at home
These photos are taken during I practised some of the Asanas (Yoga) at home.
Asanas are not allowed to perform during menstruation and some are not to practise during pregnancy.
Bhujaungasana (Cobra posture)-good for spine, cures constipation, beautifies the upper body, alleviate menstrual disorders, improve flexibility of the nerves & reduce stress and stiffness in the ligaments.
Diirgapranam (Long salutation)-beneficial for women especially curing in relation to menstruation problems, relieves constipation, lose excess weight, improves blood circulation in the body.
Padahastana -energizes the body, stimulate entire nervous system, keeps spine flexible and youthful, stimulate blood circulation.
Asanas are not allowed to perform during menstruation and some are not to practise during pregnancy.