Been so so so so long after my trip in July 2009
Hi pals out there, how are you doing? It's been months that I haven't updated my blog and glad that there are visitors still dropping by and giving comments (that's one of the reasons I decided to continue to whisper at my "Journal of Lady").
Well, am going to start from where I'd stopped (this journal is a flash back of mine how I have journeyed my life so far...)
After coming back from my trip, I was suffering from a little jet leg and adjusting to the time difference of 6 hours.
It's been 2 weeks that I separated from Rendy and I missed him much. On 27 July 2009, he and I went to Borders and he bought me a lovely notebook that cost S$15 (it's my favourite ever!). After that, we proceeded to Dome Cafe for afternoon tea, we ordered Salmon wrap and chocolate and mocha for drinks.
This is the notebook that I like the most!
Well, am going to start from where I'd stopped (this journal is a flash back of mine how I have journeyed my life so far...)
After coming back from my trip, I was suffering from a little jet leg and adjusting to the time difference of 6 hours.
It's been 2 weeks that I separated from Rendy and I missed him much. On 27 July 2009, he and I went to Borders and he bought me a lovely notebook that cost S$15 (it's my favourite ever!). After that, we proceeded to Dome Cafe for afternoon tea, we ordered Salmon wrap and chocolate and mocha for drinks.